Digitalising energy data enabling everything to be connected.

Automated access to electricity consumption data, coordination and management of flexible distributed energy resources (DER), and low-voltage monitoring and control through IoT.

FlexSplice Hub and FlexSplice Edge

Cortexo’s OpenADR® certified, FlexSplice Hub (VTN) and FlexSplice Edge (VEN) are now available. Learn how FlexSplice can allow flexible distributed energy resources to assist with electrification.
Automated Data Access


Flexibility Services


Internet of Things (IoT) Services

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Automated Data Access

We connect individual consumption data sources with service providers while respecting and complying with privacy requirements.

Access to electricity consumption data:

  • enables more efficient use
  • optimises energy services
  • allows for transparency of load

Cortexo provides services to obtain consumer consumption data at each ICP (Installation Control Point) in the New Zealand electricity market.

Data is stored in the Cortexo Energy Portal and available visually through the application or via API calls or data extracts.   

Flexibility Services

We connect utilities and distributed energy resources (DER) with our Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS).

The key to decarbonisation is electrification through renewables. The electricity supply chain of the future will harness thousands of small distributed energy resources such as solar and micro wind or hydro generation as well as  storage systems such as home batteries or electric vehicles. Load can also be shaped or shifted to optimise the use of electricity infrastructure.

Cortexo provides co-ordination of DER with Utilities through the provision of communications protocols using secure open international standards such as IEC 62746 (openADR) and IEEE2030.5

Internet of Things (IoT) Services

We connect thousands of data devices to central systems for monitoring and control.

Cortexo’s secure and scalable IoT platform connects near real-time data streams to enable decisions to be made around performance and optimisation.

Cortexo’s IoT capability is at the heart of its energy platform. Whether the data is from energy meters or electricity transformers the energy platform can receive near real-time streams of data and analyse it, react with alerting or send control signals to adjust some aspect of the process.

Cortexo’s IoT platform does not only work in the energy sector but can provide IoT services in other industries the need to remotely collect and process near real time data.

About Cortexo

Cortexo was established in 1999 as a software development company specialising in cloud service software. Mostly developing remote control and monitoring software. Cortexo currently specialise in real-time control of plant and machinery in response to electricity demand and price.
Open ADR
Sustainable Energy Association New Zealand
Flex Forum

Who Cortexo have partnered with

Energy Insights

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