INTSA – Risk free money for EDBs
What is INTSA? The Innovation and Non-Traditional Solutions Allowance (INTSA) is a grant designed to support investment in innovative and non-traditional solutions within New Zealand’s
A Christchurch based technology company that, over the last 20 years, has built both a cloud software platform and significant experience in remote monitoring and control solutions.
Cortexo is heavily involved in the new energy sector in New Zealand. It was a founding member of the cross industry FlexForum who’s goal is to create ‘A set of actions to integrate distributed energy resources (DER) into the electricity system and markets to maximise the benefits for Aotearoa New Zealand’.
Cortexo is a member of the openADR alliance and is part of the working group creating the next release version of the standard. It is also a member of the IEEE Standards group that is responsible for the IEEE2030.5 standard.
Cortexo has used its enterprise-level remote monitoring and control platform in the electricity sector that has,
Terry has spent the last 20 years as the Managing Director of Cortexo
For the last 15 years Terry has been an active member of NZ’s electricity sector culminating in appointment to the Electricity Authority’s Innovation and Participation Advisory Group (IPAG).
He has spoken at industry conferences on the integration of consumer led initiatives on electricity market efficiency.
Terry has been involved with innovation and disruption for the last 20 years and has been the President of the NZ Software Association as well as the Chair of the Canterbury Software Cluster.
Jonathan has a 40 years experience in electrical engineering and software development. He is one of the founders of Cortexo, and the designer and creator of the core, web based, remote control and monitoring platform.
He has a large amount of technical management experience in both software and hardware development with companies such as Dynamic Controls and Hamilton Jet.
Jonathan has significant experience in software architecture and scalability ensuring the Cortexo platform can scale to any number of connected IoT devices.
His previous experience with hardware development is especially valuable when working with hardware partners in the electricity sector.
For the past 15 years Dave has focused on the internationalisation of NZ based start-ups. Notable experiences include being CEO of iTouch Business Mobility through its sale (and the subsequent earn out period) to a UK based PLC, and my most recent role as CEO of Emendo Limited through it's growth from first software to acquisition by McKesson Corporation (ranked 11th on the Fortune 500).
What is INTSA? The Innovation and Non-Traditional Solutions Allowance (INTSA) is a grant designed to support investment in innovative and non-traditional solutions within New Zealand’s
By Terry Paddy, Managing Director, Cortexo Limited An Open Letter New Zealand’s Electricity Sector To the Minister of Energy, MBIE, the Commerce Commission, the Electricity
Contact Cortexo today to learn how we can help connect you to better insights and save money.